Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mittens' camp plunges into racism Hell

Photo via ConservatismLives

And now we have it. A desperate Romney campaign, unable to produce its candidate's tax returns, Bain Capital or 2002 Olympic records, a scorable budget plan, details on immigration or, really, much of anything concrete, trotted out the now-familiar Tea Party racism card.

Aside from the candidate himself attempting to paint President Obama as "extraordinarily foreign," his campaign sent a senior foreign policy advisor to talk to an overseas news outlet with the outcome of bringing shame to America and its citizens.
“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”
While the Romney camp issued full-throated denials of ever having said such a thing, the international press over there, unlike the American stenography troupe here, was abuzz. The Romneybots were roundly mocked by the Brits. Even their reporter stepped forward to defend his story and clarify on Twitter his sources were indeed from Romney's camp. It was actually two of Romney's blathering iidiots who got themselves on the record. .

Further bolstering the news report's veracity was the fact that the GOP's whiner-in-chief never demanded it's by now predictable retraction. It has become part and parcel of the campaign of liars MO. So, after insulting the Australian prime minister then creating a second international stir, pontificating about foreign affairs he knows nothing about to a group of veterans whose issues he failed to give even passing mention,
"The comments reported this morning are a disturbing start to a trip designed to demonstrate Governor Romney’s readiness to represent the United States on the world’s stage. Not surprisingly, this is just another feeble attempt by the Romney campaign to score political points at the expense of this critical partnership. This assertion is beneath a presidential campaign.”
In the wake of Romney's bumbling disaster of a foreign policy campaign as he lands on foreign soil, one can only agree with The Gipper on this one:

Let the mockery resume!

The Guardian put together a tutorial on all things Anglo-Saxonish for the clueless campaign: "If Romney wants to forge some kind of union with an anachronistic view of Britain, what are Anglo-Saxon values anyway? Here's a list to get him started …"

Our Language: ... After the Norman invasion and its French influence, it gradually changed over hundreds of years into Middle English and, from the 15th century, evolved into the language we are all familiar with today. Its greatest threat these days is probably the former Republican president's "Bushisms".
Alfred: not so Great at cookery ...It is why all true Anglo-Saxons – who have to hold down jobs, raise children, watch television and avoid taxes levied upon them by a militantly unjust crown – believe that the ready meal and the takeaway are the pinnacles of western culinary achievement. Our Anglo-Saxon transatlantic brethren, it is noted, invented the TV dinner, the hamburger "restaurant" and morbid obesity...
Soft-soaping the monarchy: ... One notes that the same servility to rulers applies to our Anglo-Saxon cousins across the water and that, no matter what their political hue, monarchs are accorded the respect due in the office of president.
There's more snarky goodness in the piece, so click on over to read more of Willard's cross-pond smackdown.

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