Friday, July 20, 2012

Hey Mitt! The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming!

Hey Willard, The British Are Coming ... after YOU
As Romney flees the United States seeking shelter amidst London's Olympic frenzy and high tea with banking elites, bad news follows him across the proverbial pond.

Despite attempts to shroud his fundraiser's location in classic Romney secrecy by listing it as "a Central London location," the cabal of banksters apparently couldn't hide from a vigilant Parliament still filtering through the poo Mitt's patron saint Rupert Murdoch shat all over their country.

Said one British MP of a motion introduced to Parliament seeking to halt Romney's overseas adventure in money-grubbing,

“Barclays executives have had their eyes off the ball for too long now. They must now stop fundraising for US Republican candidates and start rebuilding public confidence in the banking system here in the UK which they have done so much harm to.

“Parliament must send a strong message to these banking elites that it is no longer business as usual. Politicians are expressing the outrage felt by the ordinary people we represent.
Our two countries seem allied in at least one aspect of our economic travails: a healthy distaste for the Romney Pain from Bain.

A little Stephen Colbert historical re-enactment might help Willard know what to expect  ...

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