Sunday, August 12, 2012


The Wall Street Journal: Our advice is that Mr. Romney go on offense on Medicare. He could hit Mr. Obama with ads in Florida and elsewhere ...
"Americans don't believe GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney hit a home run with his choice of Paul Ryan as a running mate, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, with more of the public giving him lower marks than high ones."
"Only Palin, then the governor of Alaska, and Quayle, a two-term senator from Indiana, were rated lower than Ryan."
"Only Dan Quayle in a 1988 Harris Poll of likely voters was viewed less positively than Ryan, with 52% rating Quayle as a "fair" or "poor" vice presidential choice.

"Since Romney introduced Ryan as his running mate on Saturday, Democrats have set out to portray the House Budget Committee chairman as an extremist for his plans to revamp Medicare."

"The poll also finds 17% of adults say they're more likely to vote for Romney in November because Ryan is his running mate -- about the same impact Palin had for John McCain four years ago among registered voters.
And, again, as they were with Princess Palin, the fringe of the American electorate (heretofore known as Republicans) are giddy and already seeing starbursts.

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