... supporting Ron Paul
"Under the headline 'Governor Romney won’t like this' we saw a big sign in the crowd for Rep Ron Paul." - Greta Van Susteren, FOX reporter
Willard Romney is vanquished & Barack Obama is President for four more years ... we just crossed the Start Line.
"Under the headline 'Governor Romney won’t like this' we saw a big sign in the crowd for Rep Ron Paul." - Greta Van Susteren, FOX reporter
"There has been no press access to Governor Romney since we landed in Poland. We (press) are in a holding pattern (I can’t help but feel a bit like the press is a modified petting zoo since we are trapped in a bus while Polish citizens take pictures of us.) Under the headline 'Governor Romney won’t like this' we saw a big sign in the crowd for Rep Ron Paul."
- Greta Van Susteren
Man in London points, laughs at Romney. Photo: Stephen Crowley/NYT |
Seeing as Mitt Romney is in London playing the part of the Ugly American, and seeing as this has brought some new focus onto Mitt Romney's own tenure as head of the Olympic Games; I find myself asking why Mitt Romney was chosen as CEO of the 2002 Olympic Games in the first place?In fact this is a question I find myself asking every time someone on TV mentions Romney's role in "saving" the 2002 Winter games from corruption and scandal. No matter how hard I look I cannot find an answer to this question. And I have done some extensive searching. Every article from the era seems to glance right over the question of why Mitt Romney was chosen and instead focuses on the question of how it will benefit him politically.The Boston Globe covered the story of the 2002 Olympic Games very closely and I will be quoting extensively from the articles they wrote at the time. But even they seemingly failed to answer this basic question.
Here is a little timeline for those who haven't looked into it very much.
England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions.
“People have moved on,” said Lajcak the minister of foreign affairs and deputy prime minister, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. “We are in a different situation now. We are discussing a different project. I see no reason to revisit discussions from three years back.”Seems Romney's just skipping past Days 3, 4 and 5 to rock the diplomatic boat for his Day 6 host. And lest we forget how exciting this leg of the trip might be, please let's review Day 1's highlights stemming from his "special relationship" with the Anglo-Saxons of "shared heritage."
Romney even called into question whether the British people as a whole were behind the spectacle, saying this would be key to their success. "Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? And that's something which we only find out once the Games actually begin," he said.Bad accent, bad guest.
Photo via ConservatismLives |
“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”
(h/t to John Cole of Balloon Juice) |
Image via VeracityStew.com |
"What transpired," writes Boston Globe staff, "would become not just one of the most profitable leveraged buyouts of the era, but also one of the most revealing stories of Romney’s Bain Capital career."Romney's unbridled greed led him to hook his fortunes to now-convicted felon Michael Milken, known in financial circles as "The Junk Bond King."
... the archival records from those games that were donated to the University of Utah ... remain off limits to the public. And some of the documents that may have shed the most light on Romney's stewardship of the Games were likely destroyed by Salt Lake Olympic officials, ABC News has learned.
Hey Willard, The British Are Coming ... after YOU |
Our two countries seem allied in at least one aspect of our economic travails: a healthy distaste for the Romney Pain from Bain.“Barclays executives have had their eyes off the ball for too long now. They must now stop fundraising for US Republican candidates and start rebuilding public confidence in the banking system here in the UK which they have done so much harm to.
“Parliament must send a strong message to these banking elites that it is no longer business as usual. Politicians are expressing the outrage felt by the ordinary people we represent.”
“I don’t manage them, I don’t even know where they are,” Romney told Radio Iowa Monday of his investment portfolio. “That trustee follows all U.S. laws, all taxes are paid as appropriate, all of them have been reported to the government. There’s nothing hidden there.”
You know who else thinks blind trusts aren't blind? Willard Mitt Romney. Listen to him tackle the issue in 1994, back when SODDI (Some Other Dude Did It).
For example, the trustee who manages the portfolio, Bradford Malt, is a friend of the candidate. A close personal relationship with the trustee, according to federal ethics rules, is most definitely out-of-bounds.
"And you should be mad because that campaign and Romney is not standing up for you. How can a guy be running for president and know he was going to run for president and not get rid of Swiss bank accounts, because you know that's going to be an issue? He didn't want to do it. He didn't want to go to the trouble. So he gets the nomination and now he has these guys from Chicago outflank him and Republicans and conservatives are duly angry at Romney for not standing for them."I think the Republicans are mad. And you know why they [are] mad? Because a Harvard educated community organizer is beating them in a street fight. And they're mad about it because they're used to winning these fights. And Obama people are outflanking and outmaneuvering and beating the Romney people and everybody knows it and the people that are watching this network knows it," James Carville said on FOX News' "Hannity" tonight.
"But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy -- more free stuff.
But don't forget nothing is really free. it has to paid for by people in the private sector creating goods and services, and if people want jobs more than they want free stuff from government, then they are going to have to get government to be smaller."
Why? According to a February 11, 1999, AP article by Kirsten Moulton:
Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake [Olympics] Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.
Romney will have to sever ties with any companies that do business with the games. Bain Capital has ownership stakes in many companies and Romney serves on various corporate boards.
So, meet the Bainers.
"The Bainers will not take any answer that does not show Romney to be a liar or felon in the same way Birthers will take no answer other than one that shows Barack Obama is not an American citizen."
"We are drafting a formal [correction] request, they will have today,” wrote Romney Press Secretary Andrea Saul.
Now teacher gave you two chance, Paulie and you still failed the test. Dummkopf
"Standing by Brock's side at the Sheraton in South Burlington, the Maine governor said, "What I am trying to say is the Holocaust was a horrific crime against humanity and, frankly, I would never want to see that repeated. Maybe the IRS is not quite as bad -- yet."
LePage then said, "They're headed in that direction."
Asked if he had a sense of what the Gestapo did during the second world war, LePage said, "Yeah, they killed a lot of people."
Asked whether the IRS "was headed in the direction of killing a lot of people," LePage answered: "Yeah."
"The Obama campaign’s objections are contained in a six-page letter sent to us (and — without notice to us — to other news organizations as well)."
Well that couldn't be true. Romney's the patrician Bostonian via the sweet innocence of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., for Pete's sake so no potentially criminal acts for him.
"The Obama complaint claims we erred in saying Mitt Romney gave up active management of Bain Capital in early 1999 to run the 2002 Winter Olympics, insisting we were then wrong in saying Romney was not responsible for shipping U.S. jobs overseas.
In fact, if the Obama campaign were correct, Romney would be guilty of a federal felony by certifying on federal financial disclosure forms that he left active management of Bain Capital in February 1999."
![]() |
A speculative view of a consultant-heavy Romney Oval Office. |
"I don’t manage them. I don’t even know where they are. That trustee follows all U.S. laws. All the taxes are paid, as appropriate. All of them have been reported to the government. There’s nothing hidden there. If, for instance, you own shares in Renault or Fiat, you still have to disclose that in the United States,” Romney said. “So, you know, I understand the president’s going to try to do anything he can to divert attention from the fact that his jobs record is weak and he has no plan to make things better."
“The blind trust that the Romney camp cites to deflect questions about potential conflicts of interest? It invested $10 million in a hedge fund [called Solamere] co-founded by Tagg Romney. The trustee, Romney’s personal lawyer R. Bradford Malt (yes, that’s his actual name), explains his investing philosophy by saying that he ‘liked Solamere because of its diversified approach and because he knew the founders.’”
Romney, who has pumped nearly $ 5 million of his own money into the campaign, has refused repeated requests by O’Brien’s campaign to follow her lead and make his income tax returns public. [Salt Lake Tribune, 11/4/02]So we fast-forward a decade and where do we find ourselves?
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is mulling a five-country tour later this month to seize an advantage over President Barack Obama on foreign policy, sources told Politico. Likely visiting select countries to check on his off-shored wealth. |
"When you signed into law Romneycare, I was excited," the woman said. "You seemed proud to do that. And then when the country copied you, it just seemed like there was hope for people like me."
"How have you done since then?" Romney asked flippantly, talking over her.
"I don't have health care, sir, and I'm scared," she said.
“That tells you something doesn’t it?” Romney said. “Tells you something.”
Indeed.Now, President Obama:
Suddenly, Willard's Boston Beaners decide to hire new consultants.
Romney, in a CBS interview that aired on July 4th, maintained that the mandate the Supreme Court ruled constitutional is indeed a tax. Ferhnstrom, however, told NBC’s Chuck Todd that it was a penalty in an interview just two days earlier.
That prompted the Wall Street Journal editorial page, Bill Kristol, Laura Ingraham, and even Rupert Murdoch, who has previously pressed Romney to shake up his team, to sound the alarm.
“This latest mistake is of a piece with the campaign’s insular staff and strategy that are slowly squandering an historic opportunity,” read the WSJ editorial.
“No. 1, they’re not correct. It makes you recognize that they are gonna do everything they can to destroy Mitt,” Ann Romney recently whimpered.
On The Today Show this morning, Mitt Romney responded to a New York Times piece detailing the campaign's strategy to win Florida by destroying Newt Gingrich."There's no question that politics ain't bean bags, and we have made sure that our message is out loud and clear."
As David Axelrod notes of a Mitt presidency, "If he were in WH, parsley would be official veg: Twister, national pasttime."
0:42 "My plan, by the way, allows every citizen in America to get health insurance. How do I do that?
No new taxes raised. No new requirements that people get government insurance but instead private insurance. Let them get private, market-based insurance."
'It's a penalty not a tax.'
For nearly 15 years, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s financial portfolio has included an offshore company that remained invisible to voters as his political star rose.
Based in Bermuda, Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd. was not listed on any of Romney’s state or federal financial reports. The company is among several Romney holdings that have not been fully disclosed, including one that recently posted a $1.9 million earning — suggesting he could be wealthier than the nearly $250 million estimated by his campaign.
Oh, that Mormon honesty.The omissions were permitted by state and federal authorities overseeing Romney’s ethics filings, and he has never been cited for failing to disclose information about his money. But Romney’s limited disclosures deprive the public of ... a clear understanding of how his assets are handled and taxed, according to experts in private equity, tax and campaign finance law.
"Today's Vanity Fair article confirms what the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal reported but the Romney campaign falsely denied. Unlike the vast majority of Americans who pay their fair share of taxes, Mitt Romney is avoiding taxes by stashing millions of dollars in the Cayman Islands. This matters in the presidential campaign because it is just these types of loopholes for the wealthy that Romney would protect, forcing more of the tax burden onto the middle class."